Motivational Movie

Raised in violence and poverty, Christopher Gardner, overcame it all to become a successful wall street stockbroker and subsequently a motivational speaking millionaire. After losing everything, his wife, his job and even the roof over his head, he never gave  up. The personality traits that motivate someone like Christopher Gardner are extremely unique. It is evident that he possesses perseverance, determination, confidence, and great optimism to overcome such overwhelming obstacles.

The following videos show the life and character of Chris Gardner.

 Actor Will Smith in
The Pursuit of Happyness

  An interview with
Christopher Gardner


  1. I like motivational clips that you have included on this page. It is touching and brings this page to life. Great Job! Tracey

  2. Thanks Tracey, I too like motivational clips.


  3. Donna,
    I think the Pursuit of Happiness movie clip gives a perfect example of achievement motivation the theory by John Atkinson, mentioned on your trait characteristics page. Will Smith, the actor, is motivated to avoid failure. This movie provides multiple instances of where Will Smith does struggle with failure. After he finds out about stock broking, this gives him motivation to succeed for a better life for his son. I think you chose a great movie to put on your blog. Great job! Do you see any more examples in your movie clips?
